My equaflex also failed, but it was not the rubber, the side plate ripped open. When I called Lippert about a replacement they stated it was not the correct size for my axles. (They were on the trailer when I bought it new.) Lippert said I needed the next larger size. They refused to pay for any of the replacement.
Mine were not yet ripped open but the dealer, when showing me the problem, was telling me that that is what would have happened. Mine were also undersized, if I recall correctly were 3500lbs which would be 7000lbs. The trailer is around UVW of 7200 with a gross of around 11000lbs.
I know about the Mor-Ryde rubber shears tearing and failing, if that is what you are thinking.
Your're probably right about this. I would say that my memory is failing me, but I never had one to start with.
I don't think Oh-well is the answer I would have if you are sure it is a stock unit. I think I would push harder. I don't know anything about the Cruiser.
The dealer sent pictures and tried to get them warranted but no luck.
I don't think that I would get any further with them.
Dealer did a good job of raising the trailer without a subframe and also installed the never-fail bushing.