bbaker2001 wrote:
yes i want to reseal the whole roof.
i can wait to put in vents.
so you put the Eternabond around the vent edges and over the top of screws??
does seem like a easier job, but how do you get it off if a problem occurs
Yes, I used 4" wide Eternabond and it covered the vent flange and a more than enough beyond the edge of the flange. I used the standard dum dum tape under the flange as directed. I also put a dab of Dicor on each screw head. Then, the Eternabond. The hardest part of the job was removing the old Dicor sealant...slowly and carefully so I wouldn't damage the roof. Then, I cleaned everything very thoroughly with mineral spirits. And I used a good roller to insure adhesion of the Eternabond to the roof surface.
Removing Eternabond tape.