8 years!!! Wow, that in a way, speaks volumes about your tires. Most are replaced 4 to 5 years into their service, no matter what they look like. If they lasted that long, believe I'd bite the bullet and buy the same tire again...The old adage, "you get what you pay for may or may not apply in this case"....I've heard of the Vanguard tires, but don't know of that many that use them on their 5er's. Another tire that is getting some pretty good press is the Sailun tire...the number escapes me at this time,(630?) but you could do a search for "Sailun tires" and should find it...It's a "G" rated tire and cheaper than the GY G614's, but seems to have a very good Quality backing. I run G614's on my 5er with no issues...expensive, yes, but I believe worth it at this time...GY will back their tires also, perchance a failure were to occur....just "food for thought"
I'm "assuming" your 5er has 7,000# rated axles and OEM tires are "G" rated, correct?