Forum Discussion

Durb's avatar
Mar 18, 2016

Exhaust gas temperature and towing

My 2004 Ram has 325 horse and 600 ft-lb of torque. I find myself bumping 1,300 degrees of EGT before I max my power capability. I like to keep it below 1,300 so I slow down as I have already geared down to get the revs up. I am towing 10,000# and am talking about grade work.

Do the new trucks with large torque numbers have technology to keep the EGT down? Do they come with pyrometers?

Do you members with the heavy loads monitor your exhaust gas temperatures or am I being overly cautious?
  • are your EGT monitor pre or post turbo. You can easily get a 2-300 degree difference. The 1300 degree threshold I believe is pre turbo on most engines.
  • I routinely tow on the Coquihalla and hardly ever see over 1000. I have a H&S gauge setup to monitor all temps when towing.

  • I was always told to keep it below 1200 degrees so things didn't start melting. I am towing and have no problem staying below the 1200 mark. I did have a chip installed and also a larger exhaust as well as a after market air filter. I'm curious what your axle ratio is. When I tow in the warmer weather, I leave early in the morning to avoid the high afternoon temps.