I use an ADCO Designer Tyvek cover.
https://www.rvcovers.com/products/adco-5th-wheel-designer-tyvek-plus-wind-rv-cover?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&gclid=Cj0KCQiAjZLhBRCAARIsAFHWpbGuhieT_bjbqbCrdiodb7q9R6XgOQb_9pw_Tv0iR0zpIuld07K318kaAgeGEALw_wcBIt's in it's 6th winter here in Oregon. No rips, not paint rubbing. I use tennis balls on the down spouts to protect it.
I don't see why I won't get several more years out of it.
Coincidentally most of the other RV owners in my neighborhood use ADCO as well.
I don't use it in the summer since it's a PITA to take off and put on and we are using our 5er every few weeks. It's on the 5er from mid Oct to mid April-1st of May.