Forum Discussion

Stude55Dog's avatar
Jul 01, 2018

Fifth wheel hitch

I need some schooling on how to unhitch from fifth wheel toy hauler. I have a Reese 16k hitch and am having difficulty getting unhitched. Not exactly level, pin lip appears to be above jaws but lever can not be pulled out to release jaws. Seem to have this difficulty even when on level ground sometime. Need some experienced suggestions and advice. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  • I also set the wheel chocks, leave truck in reverse then release the hitch. I never had to do this until I got my current 5th wheel that has a Reese Revolution pinbox which is a bit finicky at times to lock and unlock.
  • I'm a newbie but I had this problem too and then I remembered when I was learning how to hitch/unhitch and watched a bunch of videos, I ran across this one. It may help you too.
  • RAS43's avatar
    Explorer III
    With my 20k Reese all I need to do after chocks are in place is shift into reverse and set the park brake and pull the handle. Easy Peezy.
  • Reply above should help. I've seen people leave truck in reverse, FW tires chocked, set park brake, get out pull handle.

    Me...I'd sell hitch, move on, to a hitch that hooks up/unhooks easily, and be done with it.

  • Make sure your last move was in reverse and you’ve pushed everything hard against your chocks.