Forum Discussion

BusaGuy's avatar
May 22, 2014

forest river products

The wife and bought a 2014 heritage Glenn 346qbud. We'll on our maiden voyage the plastic clip that holds the glass doors closed broke, causing one of our doors to crack. Well they fixed the latch, then said the glass doors are not covered under warranty. I have been fighting this for almost a year now. I have come to the conclusion that forest river stinks! No customer service at all.
  • Didn't the dealer tell you to have a wooden stick to keep the door for sliding while in travel. I haul campers from factory and thats the way their shipped for a reason.
  • I understand that some have had good experiences with Forest River products, I however did not. I was unimpressed with the quality, and customer service from the company. I would not buy one again.
  • Same here.Forest River Products suck. Have a Sandpiper 5th. After 3 yrs frame flexing and front and rear caps delamation.

    No more forest products for me.:M
  • To me, Forest River sucks, but that's just my opinion as it took them over three months to replace the front cap. Made several calls and on one was told "I'm just the parts man, can't/won't help you". Many times, no answer to calls.
  • While we do not own one now. Our last 5er was a FR product and we were impressed with thier customer service. Would not hesitate to buy one again.
  • BusaGuy wrote:
    The wife and bought a 2014 heritage Glenn 346qbud. We'll on our maiden voyage the plastic clip that holds the glass doors closed broke, causing one of our doors to crack. Well they fixed the latch, then said the glass doors are not covered under warranty. I have been fighting this for almost a year now. I have come to the conclusion that forest river stinks! No customer service at all.

    Which glass doors? The closet doors or the cabinet doors? If the closet doors, and the clip is part of the unit, then the door vendor =might= warrant it. If the doors are just standard doors used in an RV application, and FR puts the clips in to hold the doors closed, then, IMO, it's FR's responsibility to fix, since =their= fixture broke, causing the glass to break. Same if it's the cabinet doors. If the latching fixture broke, allowing the doors to swing and break the glass, it's FR's to warrant. No vendor on the cabinets since they're probably made in-house. Either way, I'd be on the phone with FR's corp. office and letting them have a piece of my mind...very calmly and professionally. Don't be afraid to let them know that you =will= be posting results of this in public RV forums.

  • The door is a third party vendor go directly to them.but being glass will you expect forest river to cover a rock through your window?

    For those that do not understand my comment forest river replaced the product that failed.the glass is not covered under a warranty other than defect a break it not a defect.Same as in a car you buy a new car and the window breaks do you go scream at ford Chevy dodge or who ever or do you just file it on ins.

    Therefore same as a rock through a window just replace it and move on with life.

    The next question is why did the strap break
    Going to fast around a corner
    Rough road
    Stop to fast
    Take off to fast
    Big incline
    Jump. A curve
    Hit a hole
    And so on
  • Sorry you feel that way. Many of us with Cedar Creeks, (a Forest River product) would really dis-agree. Nothing but great service.