hfd45c9 wrote:
it is not considered double towing it is an extension of the fifth wheel not a "trailer". There is no additional stress on the frame as it carries the weight of the trike on the platform. If you get on their website and look at it you will see what it entails. My questions are durability/quality of the product, has anyone used it extensively and if so what can you tell me both good and bad.
Some states look at anything that didn't come attached from the factory as an add-on. The Idaho Tote, Freedom Hauler, whatever it's called falls under that category.
I have used a Smart Trailer, a swivel-wheel type, pulled behind my fifth wheel for a few years. It worked very well, and I was never pulled over or stopped. Never even got the stink-eye in states that don't allow double towing. I have no idea whether it was luck or they figured it wasn't a true trailer and gave it a pass.
However it will stress your frame as the tote doesn't carry all the weight, most of it if you get the balance right. But you also have the stress on the frame from pulling the weight and turning corners.
Also you will need to be constantly aware of your overall length and the extra swing of the tail with the tote back there.