CHECK light only comes on IF propane FAILS to light off....nothing to do with AC operation
No pilot flame..........only a main flame when propane lights.
Thermostat controls heating cycle (flame or electric element on/off)
Low Ambient Temp (LAT) Switch.............make sure it is OFF (when on keeps interior light on causing excessive heat)
What/how are you measuring temps?
What temp setting.......max (5)?
Test for circuit board or cooling unit
Electric element leads -----unplug them from circuit board and plug them DIRECTLY into the 120V AC outlet
Run for 24 hrs
This bypasses board......
If fridge cools down freezer should be 0*F and food section should be 32*F or lower ---circuit board bad
If circuit board bad (AGAIN) then you need to check your DC System for amount of AC Ripple (Dirty DC).
AC Ripple is result of converter capacitors failing allowing AC Voltage onto DC System
To Test for AC Ripple.....just like testing DC Voltage except multimeter set to AC Voltage and then you take a reading on DC Circuit....can be done at converter or right at fridge DC terminal
Over 1 volt AC can cause circuit board failures
If fridge does not cool down (freezer might but food section doesn't) then cooling unit is blocked