As I mentioned, for three days, she was plugged in and was freezing and cooling perfect. One thing I did not mention because I just didn't even think it was relevant: The night before I left my ding dong daughter ran into my trailer with her car at a low rate of speed but nonetheless, she hit it with enough force to damage the right side cargo door and bust her tail light.
I hate to keep reliving this moment since I wanted to strangle her but I highly doubted in my head these two problems were related but now that many of you are talking the 12V operation being pertinent.....I wonder????
The damage was limited to the right side cargo area door. The fridge access is located in the same area but well out of the impact zone. The inverter is on the other side again well out of the impact zone.
Today I will definitely get into it. The coincidences are overwhelming at this point.
Thank you all for the advice!!!!!!!!!!:B
midnightsadie wrote:
no matter what, you have to have a good 12volt supply. I had your problems one time,found a loose wire was the hole problem.