Harrydavidson wrote:
We where in the market to buy a class A diesel pusher within the next 6 mos. But with the new leadership in DC I’m afraid of the fuel cost going nuts. Therefore we have been thinking about buying a new DIESEL1 ton DRW pickup and going the 5th Wh route.
Curious as to what’s the typical fuel mileage pulling a 5er with a diesel pickup.
PS. Anyone have experience on towing a tag V 5er with the same vehicle and comparing mileage?
We tow our 21K 5th wheel with a 2017 Ford F-450 DRW w/4:33 rear end. We get between 9 and 12 MPG depending on the road/wind conditions. We are full time so the truck is also our daily driver. Solo we get between 14-16 MPG. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Good Luck with whatever you decide!