etcssw wrote:
Here's my request, I need people that own fifth wheel trailers to let me know about their gas mileage. I presently have a toyota tundra when I'm not towing anything I get about 20 miles to the gallon but when I'm towing my TT the gas mileage drops to 9 miles to the gallon. NOW WE ALL KNOW that truck sales men will tell you that their truck gets a million miles to the gallon which we know isn't true. So if you have a fifth wheel trailer please tell me which truck you tow with and is it gas or diesel and what your gas mileage is. This will help my wife and I to pick the correct truck and fifth wheel to buy.
Good luck with your poll.
Diesel will usually get better mileage than gas when towing.
However - there are too many variables to provide accurate (consistent) numbers.
Brands, loads, transmissions (auto/standard), rear end ratio, 4x2 or 4x4, etc.
Driving 'style' will also greatly affect mileage - does the driver maintain 60-65....or drive 70-75?
Likewise relying on the overhead mpg readout -vs- hand calculated.
(The o/heads always seem to read about 1-2 mpg *better* than the "real world" numbers).
Whether gas or diesel - Suggest you visit the forums for the brand/s you are considering.
Several forums for each, and owners of the same brand are *WAY* more likely to call BS on bogus mileage numbers - as they own the same brand & equipped the same.
Plus - check for problems with/for each.
MPG is meaningless if the truck is in the shop or at the dealer a lot.
For what it's worth.....
I average about 12 mpg with my '05 Dodge 5.9 CTD, 4x2, auto trans, 4.10 gearing - driving about 60-65 when towing a 34' 5th at about 12K lbs.
A couple years earlier (Dodge truck) - with a std trans will yield better numbers.
Apparently the new ones (w/autos) will also.
Sooooo - doesn't do much for your poll results huh!..:W
BTW - I wouldn't base my purchase of a new truck on results of a very limited forum poll on an Internet site..:(..It's gee whiz value - nothing else.
*Maybe* a used truck - after checking that brand's "track record" on the sites for that brand.
Roll on.