pianotuna wrote:
Hi Lyle,
That's what I thought, too until I researched it using google. A demand governor on the non inverter is what keeps the frequency correct, so under low loads they use little fuel. The inverter type has to speed up and that takes extra energy. I was pretty shocked to find that the inverter type used more fuel.
I'd prefer to be 100% solar and burn no fuel at all.
laknox wrote:
Hmmm... The Honda 7000i burns 0.784 g/h at rated load while the 6500 burns 0.887 g/h at its rated load; a 13% difference. The 6500 runs wide open all the time; the 7000 will idle down based on load. Pretty straight-forward to me...
Hard to run the A/C on solar, at night. :-)