twindman wrote:
I believe Ballentine (sp?) is not correct. I think those Hondas are each only about 15 amp. I have read that sometimes they will handle an AC unit and sometimes not. So running in parallel would be about right, in my opinion.
this sounds right if the generators are the Honda 2000's, i.e. each will put out approx. 15 amps continuous. If they are companion generators they can be paralleled to give approx. 30 amps continuous which is enough for 1 AC. On the companion generators i had only 1 had a 30 amp connection. I'd set the generators up for parallel operation by connecting them together with parallel cables. Then I made a pigtail with a 30 amp male connector to go into the one generator's 30 outlet receptacle and on the other end a 30 amp female connector to connect with an RV 30/50 amp power cord adapter. Had to do this cause the 30 amp outlet on the one generator is not configured the same as a 30 amp receptacle for an RV. So, the generators are paralleled, there's a pigtail connection from the one generators 30 amp outlet to the RV 30/50 amp adapter, and the RV 50 amp power cord is connected to the RV.
If your generators are in fact companion type that can be paralleled you should google 'honda companion generators' or something similar as there is a lot of info out there on operating them.