Forum Discussion

ford-willy's avatar
Aug 11, 2016

Getting New Tires -- Jack Up Points For Installers To Use?

Getting new Goodyear G614's very soon. Over the years I've had installers tell me different "musts" for safe jacking techniques and jack placement positions. Last time on this large very heavy Grand Junction they used 2 floor jacks (doing one side of the trailer at a time) one jack under each of the axle to spring U bolts points, jacking both wheels "simultaneously' off the ground.

Others have said only jack under the frame, one jack in front of wheels and one behind. But on this trailer I have a propane gas pipe directly covering the underside of the front frame, that would be crushed.

On my lighter trailers, flat bed & horse, the jacking points are not quite as critical because the trailer lifts more easily. But on this heavy trailer damage can be done jacking improperly. Can anyone tell me the right way to lift one side at a time on a large heavy 5ver????
  • missourijan wrote:
    We had new Goodyear's installed in February at a shop that does trucks. I was not able to post the pic, if you send me a pm I can send it to you. Ours weighs 19,400 and it was a little scary to see it on jacks.

    So, where did they lift from? I think that was the question.

    But I hear you on the scary part. Mine weighs much less of course, and I really would have preferred they only lift one side at a time. Seeing it sitting on 4 floor jacks was scary too. They have insurance, c'est la vie.
  • We had new Goodyear's installed in February at a shop that does trucks. I was not able to post the pic, if you send me a pm I can send it to you. Ours weighs 19,400 and it was a little scary to see it on jacks.
  • Under the axles. I would not allow anything else, but fortunately Americas Tire has well trained people.