Forum Discussion

poloace's avatar
Aug 19, 2013

Goodyear Marathon tires

I just purchased a montana 285rld two months ago, and am still on the road.
I have heard from other 5th wheel owners, that the Goodyear monarch are junk.
Anyone else have proble, s with these tires?
People tell me to get rid of them as fast as I can.
  • Yep, you will hear all kinds of anecdotal horror stories. The Goodyear Marathons are good tires and safe. Just remember that 1, they are limited to 65MPH, 2. Stay within the load rating of the tires, 3. check and maintain the air pressure at the correct setting (usually 80PSI).

    Run faster than 65MPH, overload you trailer or have the air pressure to low or too high and you will have problems.
  • Check the date codes on them- google for info on how to do this. If date codes are fairly fresh, I would have them balanced and axle alignment checked and then drive confidently within the recommended speeds for those tires.
  • I'll admit that I'm somewhat biased, and will only buy tires made in the U.S. or Canada. Just be aware that tires can be made in different parts of the world depending on size, and not just on a specific brand model.
  • If they are USA made they are good, but if they are made in China replace them.