Old-Biscuit wrote:
azjeffh wrote:
On our previous 5er (2005 HR Savoy), the galley had an overflow but the shower did not (separate tanks). Our current 5er doesn't have one.
Check to see if you have a vent near your galley. Ours was on the side of the trailer.
Are you confusing an 'Air Admittance Valve' for an overflow ??
Can't imagine ANY RV Mfg. installing an overflow in a waste tank and accepting the EPA Liability that would go with that install.
Especially galley tank with food particles, greases/oils etc.
It's a Bio-Hazard.
The "liability" will (also) fall to the RV owner the first time he/she accidentally overflows sewage or gray water in a campground which has state, county, or city haz-mat regulations and an enforcement agency (like the local Fire Dept Haz-Mat unit).
Depending on the amount (even small) - the RV owner may be held responsible for mitigation by a certified private disposal company at his/her expense - and a citation.
Some locations will be out-of-sight and slip under the radar....
others -like the city beach parking lot used as a campground during the off-season- will be very obvious.
Once the enforcement agency is involved - the RV owner is between a serious rock and a hard spot.