Forum Discussion

rconkin's avatar
Mar 24, 2020

Ground Control 3.0

We have a 2016 KZ Durango 2500 D349BHQ. Last summer I had to replace the LF landing gear after just 3 years of use. After our last trip last fall I had unhitched and was attempting to raise the front some when the RF landing gear failed. The front of the camper dropped down when it failed and fortunately the leg was only extended a couple of inches at that point. DW was inside cleaning out the refrigerator and it was enough that it gave her a pretty good scare as she was afraid it had dropped on me. I ordered another new leg and just had the opportunity to replace it last week. When I disassembled the old leg I found that the gear in the top of the leg itself had stripped out. In the picture of the worm gear, what appears to be grease is actually the gears from the top of the leg. I have sent both KZ and LCI emails along with these pictures. I have heard nothing from KZ and really don't expect to as they have never replied to any other emails I have sent about this and another issue I was having in the past. I did receive a reply from LCI putting responsibility on KZ for deciding which units they put these on. My opinion is that LCI states the lifting capacity they are capable of and that is how the manufacturer decides what it can be used on. They were kind enough (sarcasm) to offer me 20% off on any parts that I might need. Anyway, I'm very dissatisfied with this system and would warn others not to purchase a 5er with this unless it is a very small one. Also, if you currently have this system and start hearing screeching when operating, I would stop right then. I am planning on drilling some holes in the outer portion near the top so that I can get grease to the worm gear as of now there is no way to do that. Has anyone else had similar problems with these legs/levelers?

  • Considering most of the weight is on the wheels, the actual load on those front jacks isn't that high. Thousands of trailers have them and yes they do require some maintenance. They don't cost a lot and are easy to change.
  • The nut looks like cast pot metal, can you determine what it is made of?
  • Be willing to bet that the rated capacity for the jacks is well within specs, and more than enough to do the job. Now, given that it's an LCI product, the actual construction quality of the jacks is suspect from the get-go.
