Oops. My bad. It does not necessarily have to be a safe. But at least a good metal cabinet that securely locks. However I do have a safe in the house, that holds them all and weighs in around 175 pounds. It is not a class one safe. I am not interested in that. Hoping to find easy to install and maybe lighter option than what I already have.
Also I am concerned about the difficulty and feasibility of bolting the safe to the floor. I have not yet looked to see what may be in the way under the floor. That may blow the whole idea. Although this is the only reason for me getting a toy hauler. My toys are the guns. I don't own toys with wheels. The garage is a space for bolting down the safe and carrying weight of the guns. I don't hoard ammo. I just keep a little for target shooting around. So ammo weight is not such a big issue, since I don't have thousands of rounds. Anyone else out there have experience installing/using gun safe in toy hauler?