Forum Discussion

klr650goldwing's avatar
May 17, 2019

Hauling a motorcycle behind a 5er.

Has anyone used a device such as the Slick Willy Motorcycle Hauler? My concern is that the pressure/tension would be in the opposite direction that the bike is designed to deal with. What do all you bikers out there think of this setup for hauling a Goldwing motorcycle?
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    They make a platform that attaches to the rear of the fifth wheel and has swivel wheels under it. Those are legal here behind a fifth wheel trailer... Any trailer with a tongue and uses a ball hitch is NOT...

    I've seen a few of these going down the roads...

    Google images

    I forget what the name of these are... They are not considered trailers but attached platforms...

    Roy Ken

    I would use this on a dirt bike, definitely not with a Goldwing or any heavy bike.
    I wouldn't trust the ratchet straps. But, that's me.
  • Not a good idea for a Goldwing. The Goldwing uses pressure fed oil to lube the transmission. If the engine isn't running the transmission won't be getting any oil. And since it's a shaft drive, you can't just unhook the chain.

    So in your case, really bad idea. It could work with a Harley, since they run a separate gearbox, and just use splash lubrication for the gearbox. So that pretty much rules out almost all Japanese motorcycles since 90% of them use shared motor oil with the transmission.

    They came out in 50's and 60's mostly to haul dirt bikes to the track and such. Easy to pull the drive chain, and not much stress on the frame.
  • My state allows double towing but if another state doesn't that's their choice.
  • Betcha some cops would bust you for "double-towing" if used behind a FW in a "no doubles" state.

  • Going over entrances and driveways may be a rough ride. $20K motorcycle, $150 Gizmo?