Forum Discussion

Grizz-506's avatar
Jan 08, 2016

Heading out West again for 2016

Looking for some information or suggestions from someone that has pulled a 5er across the Million Dollar Highway (Rt 550) in Colorado. I have seen pictures of it but can't seem to find any information on the % of grade the hills are. I'm not to worried to much about the curves. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • do a search on the web or utube under million dollar highway,but 2yrs ago we were in Durango,Co and then going to camp in Uray. So before going with our 5er we drove it with the Dually 3500, wow ive done many back road with our setup and after going to and from Uray we decided to stay longer in Durango then travel around Rt550, turns so sharp 90 plus degrees I thought my mirror would scrape the mountain side going around the bent when traffic came the other way....but you do need to drive it not towing for the cool memmories..
  • Thanks for the information.Not to worried about hairpin turns and and drop off's, mostly the grade. Took Rt 14 from north of Sheridan to Cody, WY last year. It got pretty harry around Shell.Lost my brakes due to over heating, lucky there just happened to be a pull-off there. I will pick up a copy of the Mountain Directory (West).
    Thanks again for the info, Happy Trails.
  • We've been up and down it several times. The main complaint I've heard is from people in Class A's with those huge windows. If exposure to heights bothers you then this road may do it.
  • Get yourself a copy of the Mountain Directory (West). There is also one for the east. That will give you the percent for grades and tell you quite a bit about the route over the pass. I have driven the Million Dollar Highway in both directions several time while towing a tent trailer. Now I won't drive it in my motorhome or pulling a trailer/fifth wheel. It is beautiful, but not for the faint hearted.
  • Grades aren't a big deal but it has some nasty hair-pin turns and shear drop-offs.