I'd like to welcome you as a new member. As for as the roof leaking if it is because of the caulking I'm afraid that will be on you, because most warranties state that you should check the caulking for cracks or splits on a regular basis. With the slides I'd have too say that Heartland feels they can be repaired in eight hours according too the damage report that CW gave them. I've got a feeling that CW is wanting too do it the long way and Heartland feels it can be done a lot shorter and quicker way. I'd call and ask Heartland about this personally. I'd also try and get CW and Heartland too be specific about how CW wants to do the job and how Heartland thinks it should be done. If CW can't come too terms see if Heartland can point you in the direction of another dealer. If you can find one that will work on a unit that they didn't sell, some will some won't.