Forum Discussion

melissajean0's avatar
Oct 23, 2015

Heating 38ft fifth wheel

So, it's going to be cold pretty soon here in UT. We're looking for another floor heater. We have propane and two other floor heaters, but last year when we were in Wyoming we noticed it was unbearably cold. To be honest, it was like no heat was on. Of course we were having -40 degree windchills, so I'm sure that didn't help. Our RV is 38 ft long. We need a heater that is electric. Any suggestions? (Yes, I already know about insulating.)
  • 1500 watts aint much, but you might try a couple of the oil filled heaters. They tend to radiate heat even when off once the oil is warm.
  • Can't say that I have used my camper in those kind of temps but when it get's down to 20F-25F, I use the propane furnace to get the interior temps up to about 65 and then use an electric cube fan heater (from Home Depot) to maintain the temps. I keep a second electric cube heater to supplement the first when it gets really cold.

    Each heater is rated at 1500W, so you can do the math and figure out how many heaters you will need.

    When we are boondocking, I use the small propane "coleman type" heaters to supplement the furnace. They take the chill out first thing in the morning.

    You can always put on an extra sweater !!! works every time.....

  • newman fulltimer wrote:
    The only thing that will keep the floor warm is to use insulation around the bottom all your heatloss is through the floor

    Yeah I know. The floor was insulated and we had underpinning up last year. So the only other thing we can do is get another heater.
  • The only thing that will keep the floor warm is to use insulation around the bottom all your heatloss is through the floor