Forum Discussion

dcmac214's avatar
Mar 10, 2014


2009 Fuzion
Where to buy?
Looking for thin flat gasket for sewer cap on the RV. Been to 3 dealers (starting with where we bought it) and none have or can get what I need. Internet search unsuccessful, only see more of what dealers have and I can't use. Picture is not my RV, it's copied from web, so you can see exactly where I'm talking about (parts guys/gals at the dealers had to be dragged out to the display lot to explain waht I need (are they all this next-to-worthless?)).
  • Cheese, seems such a damm waste. Need a 2c gasket but have to buy the whole damm cap. If it wasn't for the rocks (both on the ground and in my head) I'd've stuck with tent camping.
  • If you're talking about that rubber O-ring in the cap at the end of the pipe, you'll probably just have to purchase a new cap to get the ring, or just use the new cap and throw away the old one. I replaced the end-cap a few times in my lifetime because that rubber ring breaks or stretches out. I found it easier to just buy a new cap.