Forum Discussion

lbounds95's avatar
Jun 10, 2017

Help - we literally bought the Cart before the Horse

Looking for towing help/recommendations for our 5th wheel. I am looking at fulfilling a 2 yr contract at Nellis AFB and am in need of getting our RV from Atlanta, Ga area to Las Vegas.
  • 2008 Double Tree Mobile Suite 38 ft dry weight 18,000 lbs. Would like to buy but limited resources at this time so may need to hire someone to pull it and buy later.
  • You need a dually....

    Seriously.. need more info.

  • Tell us more info, maybe we can help you more. What brand/model 5th wheel, for instance?
  • Are you going to purchase a truck to tow ???

    Or looking for a for hire tow service?

    For hire.....check with local RV dealers and get names of delivery services they use.

    New/Used one big enough to 'carry' full pin weight
    That could be a 1 ton SRW, 1 ton DRW or even a 3/4 ton truck depending on which model year of truck and WEIGHT of 5th wheel.