Gearitis wrote:
We have witnessed vacuum trucks collapsing gray and black tanks at NASCAR events on more than one occasion.
You pay them 50 bucks to suck out your tank and it may collapse it. Now we open the valve into a 5 gallon bucket and they vacuum out of that bucket rather than direct connect to the valve lines.
X 10!
I do sporting events all the time and yes that is the safe way to do it.
The septic companies that 'know' will always have a bucket that they dump into and then suck it out of the bucket.
Any commercial septic truck driver that tells you different? Well it's your tanks and your money you have to spend to repair them.
And keep in mind there are plenty of newbie septic truck drivers that just show up at sporting events all the time to make a quick buck and have zip zero knowledge of RV's.:W