Forum Discussion

SH's avatar
Mar 11, 2016

Hole repair we had an incredible wind storm the other night...70+. One tree branch through our car bumper ($1500) estimate for repair and also a tree branch through the roof of our Alpenlite. Hole went through everything except the interior ceiling e.g. EPDM, plywood, and foam insulation. Got some leakage onto the kitchen floor. So, I have the option of an insurance claim or to simply fix it myself. Is there a reason not to: replace insulation, cover the hole with sheet metal, seal it all with Eternabond? This is something I could do and save the trouble of towing the rig for estimates etc. What say you all?

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  • Not sure what the question is but here's my answers.

    1) Would i fix myself? Yes. That's what I do.
    2) Would I fix it the way you explain? Probably yes.

    I'm 'almost' against taking anything to insurance/dealer.

    But, that's me.
  • enblethen wrote:
    Except for the fact that the OP may have a high deductible. Filing claim could increase his premium.

    He should check into that. A comprehensive claim shouldn't increase his premiums. This isn't an at-fault collision.
  • Except for the fact that the OP may have a high deductible. Filing claim could increase his premium.
  • Wondering why you don't want to file it with your insurance company? After they give you the check you can determine to fix it yourself and put the rest of the money towards paying it off if not paid for, or just pocket the money otherwise. That's not fraud, it's why you have insurance.
  • I do not see why you could not use a piece of aluminum at least 1/8 inch thick. I would try to locate the "rafters and bridge across two. Then seal with Dycor self leveling sealant. You may want to put some on the bottom of the metal plate before placing on the roof.
  • I don't see any reason why you can't. We had a branch go thru the top corner of the front cap. I got a couple of fiberglass kits and fixed the hole. It isn't wonderfully pretty tho but it keeps the rain out.