Forum Discussion

tourusa's avatar
Feb 13, 2022

Class A luggage door hole repair

Hi, has anyone repaired one of the luggage doors with a hole the size of a tennis ball. I’m thinking of fiber glass patch then Bondo ? Is the door all. Fiberglass thanks all. Btw damage was from previous owner
  • You can never have enough safety reflectors on a Motorhome. Go to your local auto supply store or truck stop and find a reflector that you like. Put it on. Now it’s a feature. :).
  • The doors on my MH are FRP. Available at most big-box home stores.
  • oldave wrote:
    You should tell us what kind of coach you have.

    I have a Monaco and my bay/luggage doors are aluminum. The skin is held on to it's
    frame by double-sided tape and riveted at the top to the hinge.
    I bet yours is about the same. Most people take the door to a metal shop and have
    it reskinned then painted.
    X2 I kept my damaged Monaco aluminum skin and use it for other projects. Use a knife or file around the hole edge to determine if it's fiberglass.
  • You should tell us what kind of coach you have.

    I have a Monaco and my bay/luggage doors are aluminum. The skin is held on to it's
    frame by double-sided tape and riveted at the top to the hinge.
    I bet yours is about the same. Most people take the door to a metal shop and have
    it reskinned then painted.