Gearitis wrote:
ACZL wrote:
Before I get back to him, I think he just wants to take the DVR from the house and put in 5er and hook up to his tv. No connection to any kind of antenna or dish. From what I'm seeing for replies is that the DVR from his house which is fed via a satellite needs to have the same kind of set-up on his 5er in order for him to watch whatever he's recorded. All he wants to do is watch what's on his DVR and not worry about being hooked up to the dish.
Can he do just that though?
No, not with Dish. If you take the External HD from the 211 or 722 you must have the Dish Network satellite box to connect to because of the format that was recorded. Now I have moved the External HD from my 211 to my 722 and even my Hopper and was able to watch what was recorded. But No, you cannot just plug usb external hd into TV and watch, you must have the Dish box to plug into and watch thru that. You do not need a satellite dish as I have watched what was on the external HD thru my 211 without sat dish connected.
He didn't mention anything about an "external HD"...he's talking only about a DVR. I think you are not realizing that a DVR is a "Dish Network satellite box".