Quote: Clearly you've not bothered to read through the discussion I linked to earlier in which one poster (Salvo) explains clearly why you're reading "unusual" voltages which I've already pointed out are phantom and thus irrelevant. To whit -..............
Knowing that it would happen, I've been waiting patiently for the other shoe to drop. This is one of the reasons I seldom visit this site except on the rare occasion that I really need advice. My problem was solved, but no matter what the topic or situation, someone always feels the need to chastise or ridicule. PRIORto posting my question, I 'did' read extensively on the topic, including Rusty's Shock Wave recommendation, your 41 page discussion that I only scanned, and various listings on Google. I needed further explanation and posted here. When I posted "Problem Solved", I had been given excellent advice from Rusty, plus read the recommended articles; that was it for me. I did not need to be chastised with "Clearly you've not bothered to read....". Thank you for your advice, I understand everything that you've posted.