Crabbypatty wrote:
I not only saw an exhaust extension on a honda 3000i, but they installed vents on compartment doors and installed a box fan, so when genny was on it was pulling air through the compartment at a good rate. The 2000 is so light, I would just place on the ground under the fver.Dont forget to add more co2 detectors.
What good are CO2 detectors when it's CO that's the issue? :h
To the OP ...
If you're willing to ante up for the cost
Generator-Line offers a custom exhaust bezel for your EU2000i that would allow you to route hot cooling air and hot exhaust gas to the outside world. That said, as one who has owned 2 different EU2000i gensets I agree with others who wouldn't ever consider having a running genset anywhere near the rig.
I built a custom quiet box for my EU2000i that sits in the back of my Avalanche and which substantially mitigates the noise. Pics and videos
start here.