clev wrote:
Thank all of you for the replies and really, I am surprised. Depending on the converter, I would have thought that 120 volt electricity, through the converter, would provide more power than a stand alone battery. Yes, I know there is a crank handle to move the slide but I really wouldn't want to attempt that task. I really think that is a cheap short cut on Montana's part. I keep the batteries disconnected on my Holiday and keep a conditioner attached to them. My power stays plugged in and ALL 12 volt accessories are operational; including the slide (only one).
What about the insulation? Any comments?
My FW is also a so called 4-season, but like his, just has the bubble foil insulation in the belly. You could not use any insulation down there, that would hold water.
There is heat vented to the belly, but to be called 4-season is a stretch of the truth.