Forum Discussion

emoran's avatar
Apr 04, 2018

slide out hydraulic AND landing gear not working

I own a 2004 Montana Mountaineer 5th wheel. Recently, as I was pulling slides in, the motor just stopped. Also, the landing gear motor stopped working. The slide motor solenoid is clicking but the motor is not engaging. Batteries are fully charged and cables are clean and tight. Grounds are tight. Both work manually. Jumping/bypassing the slide motor did nothing. Landing gear motor has power through the switch to the motor but does not respond. Questions: What is more likely-bad solenoid or bad motor? Is it possible to replace just the solenoid?
  • Could we a tripped breaking to the pump motor. Some of the little silver can breakers with the two studs have a reset button of the side.

  • Had the same problem on my Montana, it was cheap little thermal fuses, something they used in autos back in the 70s. Look for silver little boxes, However, it would start to working again once they cooled off. I replaced all three with Marine Grade fuses that could be manually opened to cut off power.
  • You might check the voltage on the batteries as you use the switches and see if the voltage is pulled way down. That might give you clue where the issue lies.
  • RAS43's avatar
    Explorer III
    I had a very similar experience last week. The big slide came in but it sounded different. Then the solenoid just clicked and neither slide worked. Everything else worked. Turned out to be one of my fully charged batteries shorted out internally. They were 6 years old. Two new batteries cured my problem.
  • Hmm,
    Two failures at once? Very bad luck?
    Sure the battery is good?
    If your Jack Motor is connected to a jackshaft and is one motor for both jacks, I suggest removing and replacing with better individual jack/motors. After my 05 Montana Gearbox failed several years ago (and was replaced with the metal upgrade), the "primary" Jack Gears failed so I completed that Jack upgrade to individual motors (no jackshaft) 2 years ago.

    Regarding the slide motor, assuming its a hydraulic pump, I have no advice as my now 12 year old system is still working. I have replaced/upgraded the re-setable breaker which improved performance.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful