"Obviously that was excessive but even at a fast speed what is considered ok and
what would you have done if this guy blew by you on the freeway."
What is considered OK? ... um .... how about the speed limit or slower! Regardless of anyone's excuses .... anything over the speed limit IS speeding and breaking the law. Excuse it away any way you want, it's still breaking the law!. AND technically, subject to a fine if you are anything OVER the speed limit. (Enforcement? That's a totally different subject!)
What would you have done? Well, definitely not sped up to see how fast he was running. I run the speed limit. I have come to the conclusion, "I am NOT impeding traffic! They are speeding!" Regardless .. here again, speeding is speeding. What would I do? Like I always do, let him pass and just hope and pray a police car is ahead with his radar on!