RV/ Marine batteries are made to discharge their current down to 50% over a long period, then be recharged! The constant charge/discharge is what will do them in! A start battery is designed to flow a lot of currant in a short period, (I.e. Starting the engine), then next to nothing and after replacing the start current little or no charging ! Under the right conditions they can last a long time, but if you completely discharge them more than a couple of times they will die! Never ever buy a battery for your house battery if it has a "CCA" rating, (Cold Cranking Amps). That is not a deep cycle battery.
Also, if you have two batteries, always replace both, and try and buy the replacements as close as you can to their manufacture date, (do not buy one made last month and the second made 6 months ago). The weak one will ALWAYS draw down the good one, never the other way around!
Maintenance as mentioned is a big deal with keeping a battery! Also, again as mentioned a multi stage charger will keep from over charging you battery. Interstates are pretty good batteries, so if you are looking to replace yours, check around, Cosco, Sears, etc. to get the best price, they should all be comparable. Do the required maintenance, inspect the batteries, clean any build up, clean the terminals, keep fluid levels always within range, (use only distilled water), check your charger to ensure it is not over charging) and you should have batteries to last 5 - 7 years. Good luck.