Forum Discussion

5er707's avatar
Sep 06, 2013

How to fix molding in trailer....

After our first three trips with our brand new trailer we have noticed some molding that has come loose. Some pieces look like they are held in with finishing nails and they other by the entry door doesn't have show what it was held on with. What do most people use for these simple fixes? Glue? Tacks? Nails? Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.
  • DH tried the construction didn't work! We were surprised. He used the brad nailer.......and poked them in deeper. Then I filled with white spackle.....or whatever that goop was. :)
  • If you don't want nail holes, use construction adhesive, available at any Lowes, Home Depot, Ace. Just be aware that once it's on, it won't come off with-out damage to what it was attached too.