Me Again wrote:
laknox wrote:
In reality, they are virtually the same tire (same company) but the R250 is usually about $50-60 cheaper per tire.
Wrong, Firestone/Bridgestone is NOT a Michelin company. BF Goodrich is, you may have confused the two.
Problem seems to be that many tire dealers refuse to install a LRE LT in the place of a LRE ST, having drank the ST Koolaid. Chris
You're right, Chris. Don't know why I keep forgetting that.
Tire dealers simply won't replace a tire with =less= capacity on the sidewall than the placard states, even if the replacement is demonstrably better. No problem if you're going =up= in rating, usually. Only way 'round it is to take all the wheels off yourself and schlep them to the dealer to mount and balance. Total CYA policy driven by the lawyers.