Forum Discussion

rmoparman's avatar
Feb 21, 2019

If money was not a issue

If you had to do one or 2 things to your rig

What would you do?

Spray on roof?

Disk brakes?

Or Independent Suspension?

If $ was not a issue

Thanks Ron
  • If money were no object a Newell custom coach. For a 5th wheel a custom built New Horizon.
  • If money was no object, my rig would already be good to go, it wouldn't need anything.
  • Can’t do all of the above since I’ve done the disc brake conversation already. An amazing difference

    IS would be my top choice since the roof is about 3 years old and kept under cover when not in use
  • Don't have a spray on roof, it's rubber and I would not want anything else. I already have the other things.

    What I would/may do is change out my MORryde IS 8k to 9k. If anyone is going to be in NW WA this Summer and would like a deal on my 8k system PM me. I do have a Friend with a Metal Fab Shop that has a lot of Trailer experience that can do the RnR. Reason for changing is my axle weight is 17,500# and I would like better braking as my RV weighs 23k.
  • Money no issue? All of the above, on a fully custom-built FW, and about 2 dozen more that I could think of in about 2 minutes. :B
