Forum Discussion

5thWheel_of__Fo's avatar
Sep 26, 2019

Inside Tire Wear?

Need thoughts. Have owned a lightly used 2005 DRV Mobile Suites 5th wheel since 2012. Fabulous rig. Replaced original 7 yr old Goodyear GST's when purchased in 2012 with the same tires, that looked great by the way, and no problems with our new ones and very even wear. As a precaution (6 yrs later), we replaced them with same tires in 2018. About the same time, we also replaced the original Dexter Hub and Drum Assembly 7000 lb Nev-R-Lube Axles, Dexter Nev-R-Adjust Electric Trailer Brake Assemblies, and Dexter Shock Absorbers.

After 16 mos and ~ 10-15k miles, we have now discovered that ALL 4 of our Goodyear GST's have very significant wear on the inside of the tires. What????? Never a problem in 7 yrs?!?

Best I can figure, either:
1) hubs/drums were not properly installed,
2) hubs/drums were defective from factory, or
3) axles have failed or been damaged

Since we've owned this rig now for 7 yrs, I seriously doubt we've overloaded it weight-wise as nothing much has change since.

Appreciate any thoughts you all may have. Thanks!
  • Seems like the simplest answer is you didn’t get the axles you paid for and they are overloaded or they are cambered axles and were installed upside down. Not much else could explain wear on all 4 tires.