Forum Discussion

CWSWine's avatar
Nov 13, 2016

Installing a Mor-Ryde Tray in Basement

We are going to install a Mor-Ryde 26X90 inch tray in the basement of our 5er. The plan is to put down 1X4 then put four screws at each end though the tray and 1x4 into the floor of the 5er OR should I run bolts though the floor and use large washer and nut on the bottom end. Not planning on any one heavy item like tool box but standard stuff like water hoses, small grill, satellite antenna and etc. Anyone have experience installing one?

PS Our new RV is 2017 Grand Design Solitude 310GK-R
  • We installed one and had to make mods to the tray so we could still get into the hydraulic pump compartments located below the basement floor. We did not have to do anything special other than that to install the tray. We have an Engel freezer along with all our other basement storage stuff sitting on our slide tray with no issues.
  • Use through bolts, you will be happier. The roads out there
    Put stress on everything, even the tray. I had to tighten mine once or twice.
  • My dealer installed ours. We had to raise the entire tray with board as it would not pull out without hitting door frame. Works perfect. I do put a heavy tool box at the very front of the tray and comes out and in perfectly. I love mine.