kohai wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
My guess is that they realize most buyers don't know that the tires are inferior. It's just one more cheap trick they do. It's all about lasting a year before the warranty's up and then pass the blame to the customer.
I think you are spot on. They only need the tires to last a year and then it isn't their problem. Many of their build/design decisions are based on just making it a year.
I don't believe this is the case - this opens them up to lawsuit. As for the OP, I sure hope he reports the failure. That's the only way that faulty tires can be tracked and proven. A tire biopsy too is important to really determine the cause - faulty tire or other factors? Was it really a blowout or tread separation - big difference and different causes. Many use ST Towmaxx on their fifth wheels with no problem.