kcmoedoe wrote:
Would you have bought the rig had it been $10,000 or $15,000 more? That is what you would have to pay had they built the rig with all top of the line items. Like it or not, most people couldn't care less about what tires come on the rig. Price is the almost always the determining factor in a sale. That's why they have cheaper tires, cheaper televisions, cheap microwaves, cheap carpeting, cheap wallpaper, cheap faucets, cheap furniture etc. etc. etc. Adding $500 to price to have different tires would add zero value to 99% of the customers when it came to completing a sale.
In this day and age, if a buyer has 2 brain cells to rub together, they're on the Net and researching stuff like this, and they're learning the ins and outs of RV buying. The consumer is =much= more educated than they used to be and the manufacturers are, IMO, damn slow to realize this. Just look at the general "rule" that you can get about a 30% discount on an RV from almost any dealer, and that will give you a true idea of what their actual value is. That, and the fact that identical rigs can have "retail" prices thousands different from dealer to dealer, again shows how much of a shell game the whole RV industry is.