laknox wrote:
One of the issues that I've run across with boat and smaller horse trailers, is the low clearance between the fenders and the tires, which allows heat to build up to excessive levels. I first heard about it when a friend went through a number of tires on his boat trailer...until an "old hand" at an out-of the way tire shop said that was the issue. Friend raised the fenders 2" and never blew another tire. If the NTSB, or even the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Comission), simply came out and said that all trailer tires delivered on a new trailer of =any= sort, must be rated to carry the entire GVW of the trailer (or even GVW + 5%), with no up-rating of existing tires allowed, it would solve a lot of the issues. You can't tell me that the demand for heavier tires wouldn't also kick in some economies of scale as more and more heavier tires were needed to satisfy this requirement.
I had to wait in line to get my G614 tire replaced that had a bolt in it, because a gal with two brand new horse trailers in front of me were getting all the tires replaced. They looked great in the showroom, but when she loaded with horses and took off down the road the clearance around the fenders disappeared and the fenders cut right into the tire, blow 2 on one trailer and 1 on the other. All 8 tires were damaged.