George3037 wrote:
On all electric brake trailers I see 2 wires going into the backing plate. They usually feed them through the axle. One wire comes from the brake wiring, the other goes to ground. Since you'll have the drums off that's the best time to test them. You'll have to figure out whether your white wire comes from the trailer brake line or is the one going to ground. with a test light or a volt meter connect one lead to the white wire and other to ground then pulling the safety brake pin should apply 12V to the wire.
When I got under it I was expecting brakes on only one axle but PT put them on both. On the LR brake I saw only one wire, the broken white one and the other brakes had two wires. Wires were routed along the axles and suspension. I haven't taken final possession yet, that's this Wednesday, so at that time I'll be able to trace and repair everything. The brakes did work using the in-cab controller, Ford factory brake controller, but not grabbing effective.
Responses I'm getting are jack on the frame near the axles and I'll use some of the 6x6s to make the suitable "jack stands". My current automotive jack stands are 3T and I know that's for the pair, have 4. That would likely be sufficient, 10+K UVW but the wood blocks will give me peace of mind too.