Shoe2728 wrote:
Got new tires put on, guy jacked up trailer on axle, told him didnt think that was a good idea, he said as long as it close to where its bolted on no problem. Wondering what others think about this.

Preferred method with the std leaf spring suspension.
I use this method on all of my trailers with axles from 1750 lbs on up to 10k lbs.
My experience with rampmig one tire wasn't so good.
I ramped a flat 16" E tire on the road one time even though my tire dealer says not too. The tire holding all the weight popped as I was tightening the lugs. Made it down the road a few miles too a small town truck tire dealer. The tire that popped had a split tread belt. I should have listened to my tire dealer.
I use a 12 ton shorty hyd truckers special jack with a 10" wide base. The jack come with a axle cradle that fits over the end of the jack made just for that purpose.
The jack in the pic is lifting the weight of that one tire. So its not like the thin wall ST tire on a ramp that may sit with twice its load capacity for 20-30 min while the flat tire is changed.
I've curbed tires and hit pot hole in the road on my trailers before and came away with a cut sidewall or worse a tire bruise that became a flat tire some where down the road.
Like our tire mfg tell us..... tire damage is cumulative.
Now..... Thin wall axle tubes on a torsion suspension would be a different story.