Forum Discussion

windellmc's avatar
May 06, 2018

Jayco Eagle HT propane door issues

So we went to pick up our new Jayco Eagle HT 29.5 bhoq yesterday only there was what I consider a major issue. The door that covers the propane tanks was bulging out and difficult to close. When we opened the door we saw that the tanks were sticking out past the outside of the trailer which explained why the door was bulging. So no big deal just adjust the tray the tanks sit in right? Well no. The tanks were already basically tounching the trailer frame rail. We looked at other new Eagle hts on the lot with different floor plans and it seemed to be a common problem. Have the Eagle ht always been this way? Has anyone seen this and had it fixed?

I went online last night and didn’t see any reviews with the problem but reading newer Jayco reviews is maybe not the best idea because the overall quality seems questionable after reading those. At this point my faith in the Jayco brand is not high. If this issue can’t be fixed and is a design problem what other brands are built as well (or better really) than Jayco?