I tape my trips so I have a lot of data to put on my computer when I get back. I don’t record things like connections and dumps and that sort of thing. But I have routes, mileage, gas, stops, all costs, repairs and so on. My sons kid me about it and it is anal. But the history makes planning future trips a piece of cake. And it’s sometimes fun to reread prior trips.
I’m just as anal planning a trip. But that seems to satisfy my need for anality, if that’s a word. The trip itself is totally spontaneous and I just wander at whim. A couple of times the DW has said as we left where are we going and I’ve said, I don’t know. I once intended to go north and wound up in Iowa. It was a long time ago and I don’t know how I managed that. Or why. If I were as anal making the trip as planning it I’d worry about myself a little. But the radical departure from the plan makes me feel better.:)