Forum Discussion

rv7plt's avatar
Jul 15, 2013

Keystone Avalanche Brakes

I own a 2012 Avalanche RL290 by Keystone. I purchased this rig in Jan 2012 so it is out of warranty. Due to health problems, my wife and I were unable to use it until recently when we took it on a short trip. I noticed that applying the brakes did not do very much to slow the rig down. I could feel the brakes engage and I went to emergency stop on the Prodigy brake controller but the braking action was no better than just stepping on the pedal. I worked the brakes hard several times and finally pulled over to ckeck things out. I found that the brakes on the two front wheels were hot (as they should be) but the rear brakes were were not hot at all. I believe the brakes on the rear wheels are not hooked up. So my problem is that with no warranty, the dealer will charge me to connect the brakes properly. I guess I will object to that and contact Keystone and maybe a lawyer.

I wanted to check the wiring out myself but the wiring disappers into the cover that covers the bottom of the trailer. Does anyone have a recent Keystone that knows where the front wheel and rear wheel wires come together? I figure the problem is at that point since the front brakes work fine. I did test the rear brake wires with a circuit tester light and no power is getting to them.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

John in FL
  • John,

    I know very little about your trailer. This is from my experience. I had problems with the Arctic Fox 29-5T, and finally said, enough was enough. I rewired the brakes from the backing plate to the connection where the wiring goes inside the body to the pin box. Once I did this, all of the problems that I had with the brakes went away. Later on I found that the brake wires had been spliced in several locations. Only takes one to make things difficult or keep on set of brakes from working. I would look under the underbelly of the unit where the wiring enters. The splice for the rear brakes should be in that area.

    I don't think that a dealer will get any cooperation from the manufacturer due to the time period.

    That said, try it. Stranger things have happened. Since you have not used the trailer, and have found a defect that is a very serious safety concern, then IMO the dealer/manufactuer should make it right. Send emails, take a picture and you might want to get a digital infrared temperature device and get a picture of the temp of the front drums vs the rear. Keep all calls recorded and keep all emails. I would tell the dealer that since this is a safety issue, ask if there are any recalls on the trailer.

    Good luck and keep us informed of what happens.
  • I found the problem. The wire at the ledt rear brake drum had been cut and from looking at it I believe that it was cut with a knife. Disgruntled employee? Anyway, easy to splice together and now works like it should.
  • I had a brake problem on my 2011 Keystone Avalanche when it was new. Found wire had never been connected at the drum