Forum Discussion

jlud's avatar
Mar 02, 2015

Keystone Carbon 33

So I mentioned in the last topic that I ordered a leftover 14 impact, ended up not feeling good on that based on the distance and having to get it delivered, especially being a leftover.

Went ahead with the Carbon 33, any tips or advice on this particular model do let me know. I ordered the 14k equalizer with the 2.5" shank so it fits without the adapter to meet tow rating specs.

Anything I need to be aware of? Plan to take delivery in April, and I was able to get a 2016 model at least so 2 years newer, plus and minus some small feature changes from the Impact 303.

Thanks in advance, and sorry to bombard the forum, just want to make sure I am ready for it.
  • Picking up around the 10th...excited and thanks will make sure to get a checklist.
  • I can't say the Carbon ownership has been a big crowd around here. Did find the following mentions of it in these threads but I didn't see how many actually bought one.

    As you haven't picked it up you might start reading about doing your PDI or Pre-Delivery Inspection. Here is a good one to start with Link
  • Wow 125 views so far on this and no comments at all on the Carbon 33. Nobody buy these?