sjturbo wrote:
I'm not an expert by any means. I had the same binding issue. Mine was my fault. The inside consisted of a captive nut that the threaded rod moves up and down through. If the rod, or the square tubing gets tweaked, (even a slight bend), it will start to bind. That results in an increased load on the motor and drawing more amperage and blowing the fuse. Worse is the stress it puts on the threaded rod. That can result in the rod breaking,(which mine did) with very dangerous results. I would not hesitate to replace the leg!! Those legs are lifting a lot of weight!! I increased my weight by going from 1 70lb battery to 4 63lb batteries. Hope this helps!
That is exactly how I pictured the inside mechanism to be. I still have not found a drawing to substantiate the exact configuration though. I was hoping that I could take it apart and replace the rod or lubricate it where it goes through a captured nut. May not be possible.
Probably calling Lippert might be a start.